Friday, November 30, 2012

Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

Lets face it, Kids are messy. No matter how many times we tell them they will get germs they just won't listen. Dirt is too much fun to play with. Here is a neat way to get them involved in staying germ free.


  What You Will Need:

  • ²∕₃cup of 99% rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol
  • ¹∕₃cup of aloe vera gel
  • 8-10 drops of essential oil, *optional* (such as lavendar, vanilla, peppermint, grapefruit)
  • bowl and spoon
  • funnel
  • recycled liquid soap or hand sanitizer bottle

    Make Hand Sanitizer   

    Nothing could be easier! Simply mix the ingredients together and then use the funnel to pour them into the bottle. Screw the pump back onto the bottle and you're ready to go.

    How It Works   

    The active ingredient in this hand sanitizer recipe is the alcohol, which needs to comprise at least 60% of the product in order to be an effective disinfectant.

    Essential Oils In Hand Sanitizer

    In addition to adding fragrance to your hand sanitizer, the essential oil you choose may also help protect you against germs. For example, thyme and clove oil have antimicrobial properties. If you are using antimicrobial oils, only use a drop or two, since these oils tend to be very powerful and might irritate your skin. Other oils, such as lavender or chamomile, may help soothe your skin.
    For more information on staying Germ Free listen to today's Messy Moms Radio Show


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