Thursday, October 11, 2012

Make a Fire House Dog

Materials You Need:
  • Toilet Paper Roll
  • A Printer
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Crayons
  • A piece of paper
  • 4 Toothpicks (optional)
  1. Start by picking out a template you want to use. You can choose either the colored or if you want to color it yourself choose the black & white. Print out the template by clicking below.    
Colored Template                          Black & White Template
     2.  Cut out the template of choice and color if necessary.
     3.  Glue the large rectangular piece on first to cover the tube. Toilet paper rolls come in different sizes, so if you find the rectangle is a bit too big, just trim it down. If you find it's a bit too small, just cut out another small piece to fill in the gap.
     4.  Glue on the head, fire hat, legs and tail (using the tab to make a 3D effect).
     5.  This step is optional. To make the dog stand up on all four legs, take 4 toothpicks. Glue or Tape 1 toothpick to each of the legs.
I hope your kids enjoy this little craft as much as mine did!

1 comment:

  1. This is very cool ! Im new to your blog :-) looking forward to your posts
